Post Quarantine Appointments Protocols

As we prepare to reopen our salon for clients:
Please keep in mind that more than my clients, you are my FRIENDS, and I am 100% concerned for your safety as well as my own...
I welcome you as returning established clients... and some of you, as new clients.
Based on government regulations that we can reopen, and for your comfort and safety, as well as mine, I wanted to let you know that as a responsible cosmetologist I have been trained and certified in extra sanitation and sterilization procedures.
New Clients, always welcome, will go through additional screening, please be willing to cooperate.
As much as I realize that there will not be social distancing (between the client and stylist) while I provide you with salon services I have adopted extra sanitation and sterilization procedures that should give you and I a much safer experience.
Wearing a mask will be expected for both client and stylist. Also, hand sanitation and/or handwashing.
Please expect (and kindly understand) a small increment in your pricing...
This is due to the additional cost that will take to provide the same quality services that you are used to. Extra cleaning and sanitation, protective gears, fewer clients per day, Cost of getting our supplies in/along with increased prices on these supplies... all of these factors added together are forcing us to adopt this slight increase.
There will be no walk-in clients allowed - Every client will be by appointment ONLY
Additional time will be allowed for services so that we can sanitize and sterilize our implements and work station before and after each client.
Only one client at a time will be admitted into my salon suite unless there is a family group.
It'll be crucial for you to PLEASE BE ON TIME FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT...
Some protective gear will be worn by me... this will be our new normal standard – please learn to accept it as the new “normal”...
You should have not traveled during the last 14 days prior to your appointment
You should not be feeling feverish nor experiencing dry cough nor any other characteristic symptoms of Covid-19 CoronaVirus.
You should have not been around anyone diagnosed as Covid-19 positive or that is feeling sick and/or experiencing symptoms either...